Wine Blogging Wednesday #50 – Which wine which wilderness?

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Wine Blogging Wednesday #50 – Which wine which wilderness?

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Russ Beebes winehiking blog is hosting the 50th edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday created by Lenn of LENNDEVOURS wine blog!!

Russ is having a great idea, get the bloggers walking and drinking at the same time 🙂
For me autum is the most beautyfull season in germany, in this time my country changes its coulours from green to brown, red, yellow and gold. Walking into the forests, fields and vineyards will bring you breathtaking coulourfull experiences.

For this event I went to a near place which is called Kohlhof, some 50 years ago the farming place of Heidelberg.

The wine:

The most easiest part of this event was the opening and drinking of the wine. I decided to drink regional, I decide further to enjoy something I have produced by my self, of course to be regional means a wine coming from Heidelberg! And there is only this wine 🙂 Sorry for being lazy organizing wine!


So I was drinking in the forest a very typical german redwine what is called Dornfelder. Usually I would recommend this wine to some nice food like game, but for this Wine Blogging Wednesday the wine must go alone. Most of the times Dornfelder is a easy drinking redwine about 11 – 13 % vol. Flavours of cherry, smooth and soft mouthfeeling, easy drinking.


The wilderness:

The wildernes I choose was the cityforest of Heidelberg, a beautyful spot with lots of  hiking trails and even more places to rest and enjoy wine. But still this hike I made is special, you come across some breathtaking and exciting places. One of this places is a field with hundreds of apple trees of different colours and types.


Ok, I haven’t been on my own …

Check out my other pics on Flickr

After enjoying tons of apples I went on hiking into the forest toward a place which is called Leopoldsstein, the ideal place to rest and drink the Dornfelder, my wineblogging wednesday entry this time.  But I can’t rest to long, I had to move on, of course weather was changing and I still had do greet St. Nikolaus.

Yes, if you go a specific trail you will come along this place were St. Nikolaus is having a tiny little memorial right away in the mid of the forest. Again it is a perfect place to stop, to calm down, to rest your brain, to meditate and feel the vibrations of this place.

St. Nikolaus Bildstock

St. Nikolaus ist  here of course in 1747 a forester survives a flash of lightning at this spot, and he was so thankful to Nikolaus so he build up a little monument. Since 1749 at this mysterios place in 1800, 1940, 1950 and 1990 „things“ happend. Like in 1990 a desastrous Thunderstorm was cuting down all trees at this place, but St. Nikolaus stayed like a wonder unharmed.

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