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Wine Blogging Wednesday

Die Zeiten ändern sich.

Dieser Beitrag scheint älter als 18 Jahre zu sein – eine lange Zeit im Internet. Der Inhalt ist vielleicht veraltet.

Winzerblog ist dabei!!

Der Wine Blogging Wednesday ist global, darum ausnahmsweise in dieser Rubrik ab sofort nur noch in Englisch.

Since beginning blogging I’ve been looking to the english-writing-blogs and got jaelous, of course there are such a lot of them. They’ve built allready a community! Than Lendevours introduces his idea about a wine blogging wednesday, which seems to me the best thing a wineblog could do for the wine. Not only writing about wine, but drinking wine!!
OK, sometimes the themes looks quite strange to us in Europe, but most of the times there should be a chance to participate. So, here I am.
I’m lookin forward having a nice Rhone in the glas, even when it is getting hard to describe the wine in English!! Somehow we will manage….

The announcement of WBW’#19 by hostblog

WBW#19 When in Rhone, March 8,2006

Yes, you read that right, it’s time for the 19th Wine Blogging Wednesday to be held on Wednesday, March 8,2006. Wine Blogging Wednesday is the global monthly virtual tasting event founded by Lenn of Lenndevours where wine bloggers follow a theme for wine tasting, post their findings on their blog on the chosen day, with a round-up posted by the lucky host of the event shortly thereafter. I’m excited to be hosting, and hope you enjoy the theme.

The complete announcement can be read HERE

A german explanation about Wine Blogging Wednesday will follow soon!!

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