
WBW #45: Old World Riesling

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1963er-riesling-copyright-winzerblog.jpgwinebloggingwednesdayThe 45th edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday is hosted by Tim and his blog Winecast. Tim is asking the communty to drink aqnd write about a Riesling coming from the old wine world. Thank you Tim for this wonderful theme and tanks to Lenn having this wonderfull idea of Wine Blogging Wednesday!

My entry to wine blogging wednesday #45 :Old World Riesling

The Riesling is coming from the Rheingau area, a 1963er Johannisberger Erntebringer.
It is no Icewine, Beerenauslse ore any other speciality, it is just a dry white Riesling from the vintage 1963!

The Labels shows a lot of names, even for me as a german it seems difficult to find out who is the producer of this wine. In big letters we can read the name of Jacob Gerhardt, I assume, this man was in 1963 owner of the Niersteiner Schlosskellerei which accurs as bottler of this wine. Anyway, as far I could find in the internet, is this website, they are still producing wines!

When I bought this wine in a bundle with other 50 old vintage bottles, I learned it was stored the last 20 years in a garage, stored in a shelf between spares like tires and exhausters. Knowing this, i did not expect to much of this wine!!

Thee label, and the bottle were optical in a nearly perfect condition, but how will it taste?
The cork of this bottle was completely wet, but it was no further problem to open the bottle. After pouring the wine into the glas, I was surprised. The wine was not brown ore looking like sherry, its colour was deep yellow, bit of gold and straw, the wine twinkled clear without being cloudy in the glas.

Getting a first smell, the impression was this of wet earth, an of course overwhelming madeirization. But luckily there was no taste of cork or any other failures!!
Interesting, during the next 30 minutes this aromatique changed totally, like the taste of the whole wine changed! Everey minute the wines performance was improving and getting better. By the time we were able to taste some notes of petrol, what made this wine even more interesting than the wine was anyway.
The Riesling was very tasty, the last 45 years maturing in a garage did not harm the aging of this wine in any way. The wine was spicy and had a nice touch of minerality which is so characteristic for wines of this Rheingau region.

Well, I think Mr. Gerhardt did a great Job in 1963!!

Check out my pictures of this wine at Flickr

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